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Frequently Asked Questions

What age division will my player participate in?

USA Softball has changed the age cutoff starting with the 2024 season.  Use the resources below to determine the age divisions for your players.

How long does the softball season last?

The softball season starts with open gyms in March.  Evalutaions will be held in late March and early April. Teams will be formed after evaluations are complete.  Games will begin in June and continue through until mid to late July.

What equipment is required?

Please see the General Information page for a full list of required equipment.

What is the time commitment for softball?

Specific details will not be known until teams are formed and coaches are identified. 

  • Practices and games will be held Monday through Thursday evenings. 
  • Practice days and times are set by the coaches. There are 1 or 2 practices per week lasting  1-2 hours.
  • League games will depend on the division and league. Games typically double-header games starting  around 6:00 pm. 

League play takes place two times per week, Monday through Thursday. Practices are usually 1-2 hours one day per week with double header games making up the other day.  Practices usually start around 6:00pm and are located at either Cox or Apollo fields in Grand Forks. Games for all age brackets are held in Fargo.

Each age specific time commitments and information can be found on the Season Details page.

What is the volunteer commitment for softball?

Grand Forks Girls Fastpitch is built on volunteers.   We want to provide the best experience possible for our players and need all player families to volunteer. We utilize DIBS to post volunteer opportunities, which you can sign up for under the DIBS tab on our website.  This will track your DIBS so you will be able to see when your requirement is met!

For each player you have registered you will be required to sign up complete a minimum of 5 dibs credits for the season.  If you have an 8u player, you are required to do a minimum of 2 dibs credits.  If you are unable to volunteer, you can chose to "buy out" of your requirement by paying an extra $200 during registration ($40 per DIB credit). We want to reiterate that our program is built on volunteers and we would much rather have you volunteer than choose the buyout option, but we understand that some families can't make the commitment to the volunteer hours.   The "buyout" option is not a fundraiser for our program.

There will be many dibs opportunities throughout the season such as (but not limited to):

  • GF Express Tournament - We need many volunteers to be able to hold this tournament.
  • Helping at open gyms
  • Working admission or concession stands
  • Assisting with uniforms distributing or other team needs
  • Serving on the board of directors or committees

DIBS opportunities can be found under the DIBS tab on our website!  Additional opportunities will be added as the season progresses.

If your DIBS are not completed at the end of the season, you will be invoiced at $40 per unfulfilled DIB.

What is the extra time commitment of the tournament team?

Interested players that register for tournament team tryouts will be evaluated for placements on tournament teams. Tournament teams have practices and league games like other teams. Tournament team coaches may decide to have extra practices  or optional skills focused practices such as for hitting. 

Tournament team players are expected to attend all tournaments to ensure there are enough players for each tournament. Tournament teams participate in the following tournaments around the region as shown below. These tournaments are done in addition to weekly league games and practices.  

2025 Tournaments

Name Dates Location Age Group Information
GF Express June 7-8, 2025 Grand Forks 10u - 18u (all GF teams will participate, not just tournament teams)
West Fargo TBD (Tentative June 14-15, 2025) West Fargo, ND 10u - 18u
Bemidji Blaze June 20-22, 2025 Bemidji, MN 10u - 18u
ND State Tourney July 11-13, 2025 Minot, ND 10u - 18u
Red River Rage July 18-20, 2025 Fargo, ND 10u - 18u

Is there an extra fee for making the Tournament team?

Yes, there is an extra fee ($150) for participating on the Tournament team.  This is due at registration for any players interested in trying out for a tournament team, and will be refunded if the player does not make a tournament team.

What if my player is on a High School team in the spring?

The Athletic Directors of Red River and Central High Schools have informed us that girls who are playing high school softball can simultaneously participate in our GF Fastpitch program. However, they cannot play in any games or scrimmages with a GF Fastpitch team.

Following these guidelines, below is what GF Fastpitch Softball would like to see from the girls playing high school softball:

  1. You cannot play in any games or scrimmages with a GF Fastpitch team during the high school season.
  2. We encourage you to attend as many player evaluations as possible so we can form teams and start practicing once the outside practice begins.
  3. During the high school season and after player evaluations, you can come to open gyms to practice on the tees and batting cages.
  4. Once GF Fastpitch outdoor practice begins, we recommend that you focus on your high school softball commitments and do not attend any outside practices for GF Fastpitch. This is also to prevent any injuries during the high school season.
  5. Once the high school season is over, you can join your GF Fastpitch team for practice.

Where can I view policies and procedures?

The Policy Handbook is available on the Policies page.

How do I contact a Grand Forks Fastpitch board member or volunteer?

Please feel free to email us anytime at: or message us through our facebook page at 

Visit the Board of Directors page for more information